This page is for all legislative topics except CEE 

(climate. energy, and environment) 

Page last updated: 12:00 pm Sunday 3/9

Use the links below to jump to each section.

Topic: Homelessness and Affordable Housing

Oregon has passed legislation over the last few sessions attempting to ease the housing shortage. Click here to read an in-depth discussion of the progress and shortfalls to date from OPB. 

SB 54 - Providing Cooling Spaces for Residential Renters    COIN has ENDORSED this bill. 

SB 1530, passed in 2022, required landlords to allow portable cooling devices if residential renters bought one for themselves. This bill, SB 54, sets a timeline by which indoor cooling must be provided by the landlord as an "essential service" for residential tenants, putting cooling in the same category as heating, water, and electricity. 

For current rentals: Landlords must provide residential tenants with indoor cooling or a shared cooling space for multi unit buildings with 10 units or more. Grants to assist with costs are available.

For new rentals: For multi unit buildings with 10 or more units permitted on or after Jan 1, 2026, landlords must provide residential tenants with indoor cooling for each rental unit

Landlords of buildings with few units are given a longer grace period, but by January 1, 2036, every landlord must provide indoor cooling for every residential rental unit. 

Sunsets, on January 1, 2036, the requirement that the State Department of Energy provide grants for landlords to provide community cooling spaces. 

Currently in the Senate Committee On Housing and Development

ACTION ALERT: There will be a public hearing on SB 54 Wednesday, Mar. 19 at 1:00PM.  Register to testify or to submit written testimony here. View the session here.

Tenant Protections  COIN has ENDORSED these bills. 

SB 722 Bans Rental Fee Maximizing Software.  This bill will ban certain software landlords use to make rental decisions based on non-public information – the software synthesizes info from many landlords to maximize rental fees. The bill also reduces the period when new rental units are exempt from rent increase caps. SB722 provides penalties for violations. 

SB 722 is in the Senate Committee on Housing and Development

ACTION ALERT: The committee will hold a public hearing on SB 722 Wednesday, Mar. 19 at 1:00PM.  Register to testify or to submit written testimony here. View the session here.

SB 599 Bans Immigration Status Discrimination for Tenants. This bill will prevents landlords from asking about immigration status or rejecting prospective tenants because of immigration status.

Oregon is among the worst in the nation for housing affordability. Rents are high, and wages have not kept up. Partially, this is due to the fact that we have extreme shortages of affordable units, and partially this is because the private market is still not regulated enough – all units less than 15 years old are entirely exempt from rent stabilization statutes. The tight market means that in newer units, prices have spiked exorbitantly, and even in units that are covered by rent stabilization, landlords are able to charge right up to the annual cap, which is not protective enough. The use of price-fixing algorithmic software exacerbates this situation, maximizing profit on any unit while destabilizing Oregon’s families. 

Consequently, the risk of eviction and homelessness is one of the biggest fears for low and moderate income households across the state, and the eviction rate is higher than ever. The solution is to ban the use of price-fixing algorithmic software and to strengthen and improve coverage of Oregon’s rent stabilization statutes.

SB 599 is in the Senate Committee on the Judiciary.

A public hearing was held for SB 599 on 3/5. Watch the session here.

ACTION ALERT: SB 599  has a work session scheduled for Wednesday March 12 at 1300 PM. Watch the recording here

HB 2967 - Prohibits Renter Screening Fees       COIN is WATCHING this bill.

Under current law, landlords can charge rental applicants a "screening charge" to cover the cost of investigating the applicant. This bill will ban such applicant screening charges. Currently, these screening charges range from $40-$100 each, and if a potential tenant is not offered the rental unit, they might not be refunded the screening charge. There are elaborate rules for when the applicant can get a refund. Understanding those rules plus jumping though all the hoops can be difficult for many people. However, we also recognize that landlords have multiple tenant applications to process, which can also be expensive. We'll continue watching this bill, advocating for some compromise. For example, develop a system that would require a reasonable fee for one applicant screening, but allow multiple landlords to access the same applicant screening for a specified period of time, similar to the universal college application.  

Currently in the House Committee On Housing and Homelessness.

A public hearing for HB 2967 was held on  2/17. Watch the session here.  Read the testimony here

SB 586  Changes the Notice Period for Termination of Rental Agreement   COIN OPPOSES this bill. 

SB 586 would reduces the length of the required notice period, from 90 days to 45 days after the fixed-term concludes, that a landlord must provide a tenant before termination of their rental agreement if the landlord has accepted an offer to sell the dwelling unit. Especially in our cities, low vacancy rates and high housing costs make the search for a new rental unit terrifying and expensive. Having 90 days to find a new unit and move gives tenants a small cushion to make the transition, which is occurring through no fault of their own. They need time to save for a new deposit, as the previous one is not due to be returned until 31 days after they vacate. Asking regular Oregonians to save $1500- $2000 for a deposit in 45 days is an unreasonable expectation. Additionally, changing notice periods confuses both landlords and tenants, as more complicated rules make compliance more difficult for unsophisticated parties. ORS 90 does not need more loopholes to reduce tenants' rights. 

Currently in the Senate Committee on Housing and Development.

A public hearing was held on 3/3. You can watch it here

ACTION ALERT: SB 586 has a work session scheduled for Monday March 17 at 1:00 PM. Watch the session here

Topic: Health Care

SB 951 - Corporate Practice of Medicine Ban    COIN has ENDORSED this bill. 

Corporatization significantly increases the costs of health care. This bill protects against the corporatization of health care in Oregon.  It stops people in charge of companies that do not do medical work from running both the company and another entity that does medical work. It stops companies from telling their workers that they cannot work for someone else, say that the company is bad or speak out about bad acts. It also stops companies from punishing those who speak out. COIN endorsed HB 4130, the 2024 version of this bill. That bill passed the full House with bipartisan support and through 2 Senate committees on partisan votes but never made it to the full Senate. The bill was overhauled over the summer and fall. “This workgroup included representatives from local insurance companies, CCOs, physician associations, independent clinics, hospitals, think tank partners, academic researchers, multinational corporations, patient advocacy groups, organized labor representatives, pharmacy chains, trade associations, emerging medical startups, and others.” Changes include revising control provisions, closing a loophole in dual compensation, modifying definitions of key phrases, clarifying enforcement responsibilities, restricting the use of NDA’s and Non-Disclosure agreements, and more. Authors of the bill feel this legislation will update Oregon standards for the 21st century to ensure physicians maintain autonomy in their practices and Oregonians receive access to high-quality care. 

COIN encourages legislators to address corporate take overs of hospitals with the same diligence as with this bill and private medical practices.

This bill is in the Senate Health Care Committee .

A public hearing was held on 3/4. Watch the session here.

ACTION ALERT: A work session was rescheduled to Tuesday 3/11 at 3:00 PM and can be watched here.

HB 3198 - OHA to Lead Murdered & Missing Indigenous Persons Efforts COIN has ENDORSED this bill. 

Native Indian groups have long suffered from high rates of murdered and missing indigenous people, MMIP. The societal issues that contribute to this are inadequate health care and social services. This bill directs the Oregon Health Authority to dedicate staff in the office of the authority that is responsible for tribal affairs to lead the work of addressing these issues.

This bill has already had a public hearing (2/3 video recording) and a work session (2/10 video recording).

MOVEMENT ALERT: By an 8-0 vote, the House Judiciary passed HB 3198. It is now in the Joint Ways and Means Committee.

SB 376 - Expanding the Definition of Rural Healthcare   COIN OPPOSES this bill.

This bill defines "rural" for purposes of the rural health care provider incentive program. In Oregon, there’s an extreme shortage of health care providers in rural areas. The health care provider incentive program helps attract more young health care providers to practice in rural areas. This bill will change the definition of “rural” to include many suburbs of Portland. The Office of Rural Health is against the bill as it will provide the same incentives to go to Portland suburbs as real rural areas, and real rural health will continue to suffer from a shortage of providers.  

A public hearing was held on 2/6. You can watch the recording here

SB 1137 - Insurance Coverage for Breast Reconstruction   COIN ENDORSES this bill.

This bill require health benefit plans to cover autologous breast reconstruction procedures and related services with specific requirements. This type of procedure is typically used for women who have experienced breast cancer and had a mastectomy.  This type of breast reconstruction is covered by many but not all insurance providers, so this bill would make it a requirement for all insurance providers in Oregon. 

The bill is currently in the Senate Committee On Health Care. You can contact committee members and urge them to give this bill a hearing. 

HB 3497  Shared Future Task Force   COIN ENDORSES this bill. 

This bill will form the Shared Future Oregon Task Force comprised of representatives from 15 state agencies who will develop a multi-sector plan for aging.  According to AGE+,  "by 2034, Oregonians 65 and older will outnumber those 18 and under. This permanent shift in our population affects individuals, families and communities, especially in rural areas where this shift is already underway. While the challenges ahead are great, so is the potential. AGE+ is proposing a comprehensive strategy to rethink how aging affects the way society perceives, plans for and responds to our changing demographics—a multi-sector plan for aging." 

This bill is currently in the House Committee On Early Childhood and Human Services.

HB 3497 had a hearing March 6th. Watch the hearing here

HB 2528  Closes loopholes in tobacco and nicotine regulatory laws. COIN ENDORSES this bill. 

This bill was brought forward by the Governor and the Oregon Health Authority to close loopholes in our tobacco and nicotine regulatory laws.  Among other things, this bill seeks to include tobacco-free nicotine products within the definition of “tobacco products” so that they can be regulated. This includes products like nicotine pouches, nicotine lozenges and other products containing nicotine not derived from tobacco. These products are as addictive and involve many of the same health risks as tobacco products, and so should be subject to the same regulations. 

The COIN Legislative Team recommends endorsement, but we would prefer to see amendments that include criminal penalties rather than civil penalties, and assign enforcement to Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission rather than OHA because they have experience  and enforcement authority that OHA lacks. 

This bill is currently in the House Committee On Commerce and Consumer Protection.

A hearing was held on 2/27 and unfortunately, the tobacco and vaping industry got the word out to many in the industry to submit testimony opposing this bill. We'll be watching for future opportunities to submit testimony in support of this bill.  You can view the recorded hearing here

COIN OPPOSES these bills that would deny reproductive freedom and jeopardize the health and lives of pregnant persons.

SB 384, SB 918, SB 666, HB 2372, HB 2381, HB 2382, HB 3248 

HB 3330  and HB 2429 would also interfere with the right to gender-affirming treatment
HB 3330 expand laws that protect a health care worker's right to object to take part in abortions, physician-assisted suicide, or gender-affirming care. Allows health care facilities to opt out as well.

Here is a COIN Worksheet  with details about each of these bills.

COIN OPPOSES these anti-vaccine bills.

HB 2193  Basically, under this bill a person couldn’t refuse to do business with or decline any “economic relationship” with someone who refuses to be vaccinated or because of their religious or political beliefs or social standing. The bill is poorly written and unclear, but could be construed to prohibit a school district from requiring a child be immunized in order to attend school and the like. 

SJR 31  Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution that would prohibit the governor or any executive agency from requiring vaccines or medical procedures without a law passed by the Legislature that specifies the vaccine or procedure and the individuals or classes of individuals to receive the vaccine or procedure. This would hamstring the ability for rapid responses and delay action until the next meeting of the Legislature.

Here is a COIN Worksheet for these anti-vaccine bills. 

COIN is WATCHING this bill.

HB 2202 is a vague study bill related to behavioral health.  Requires the Oregon Health Authority to study redundancies in the provisions of ORS chapters 414 and 430. Directs the authority to submit findings to the interim committees of the Legislative Assembly related to health not later than September 15, 2026. 

Currently in the House Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care

ACTION ALERT! HB 2202 has a public hearing scheduled for Tuesday March 18 at 3:00 PM. You can register to testify or submit written testimony here and you can watch the hearing here.  

COIN is WATCHING these bills, pending endorsement.

HB 2292 expands coverage for HIV-related illnesses

Currently in the House Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care

A public hearing for HB 2292 was held 2/11. Watch the session here

A work session for HB 2292 for 2/27 was cancelled. 

HB 2992 eyeglasses for students from low-income households

Currently assigned to the House Committee on Education. 

A public hearing for HB 2992 was held Mon 2/3. Watch the recorded session here.

HB 2993 requires medical information and forms to be provided in a language the patient can understand.

Currently in the House Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care

HB 3193 Requires the Oregon Health Authority to establish and implement a permanent farmworker disaster relief program.  Currently in the House Committee On Labor and Workplace Standards 

ACTION ALERT: A public hearing is scheduled for Monday March 10 at 3:00 PM. Register here to testify or submit written testimony. Watch the hearing here. 

HB 2317 requires staff  from federally qualified health centers and public health agencies to serve on coordinated care organization governing boards. Currently in the House Committee on Behavioral Health and Health Care

A public hearing was held on 3/4. Watch the event here

Topic:  Education and Children

SB 2953 - Removes the percentage cap on funds distributed to schools for students eligible for special education    COIN ENDORSES this bill.

This bill would remove the cap on special education funding that was implemented in the 1990s. That current cap only funds special education services for up to 11% of students in a school, even though today nearly 15% of students in the average Oregon school are enrolled in special education programs. With the current cap, about 19,000 students with special needs among the 80,000 total don’t count for additional funding under the school funding formula. 

The state offers a waiver for some districts with high numbers of students with special needs, but this covers only about 7,000 additional students. 

The Oregon PTA and Oregon Education Association support this bill. It was originally assigned to the House Committee on Education. Now in the House Revenue Committee.

A public hearing for HB 2953 was held Monday 2/17. Watch the session here

MOVEMENT ALERT: SB 2953 moved out of the House Education Committee Feb 19, by a 6-1 vote, with a "Do pass" recommendation. Watch the session here.

ACTION ALERT: This bill will have a public hearing Thursday Mar 13 at 3:00PM. Watch the hearing here. Register to testify or submit written testimony here.

SB 5516 - Increased funds for schools based on Gov. Kotek's recommended budget    COIN is WATCHING this bill.

COIN definitely supports increased funding for schools. However, advocacy groups take the position that the $1.16 billion increase requested by Gov. Kotek in SB5516 is a good start but too little to prevent cuts. Thus, COIN is "Watching" this bill, advocating for more funding.  Cost pressures such as inflation and rising pension costs will soak up most of the proposed increase. Also, the Governor’s proposal is about $2.2B less than the funding recommendation from the state's Quality Education Commission. The Commission’s funding levels have never been fully funded. We need to close the gap.

Oregon PTA made this introductory video to school finance in Oregon. Advocacy groups supporting more funding include the Oregon PTA, Oregon Education Association, and Oregon School Boards Association. 

SB 5516 is currently in the Joint Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Education.

ACTION ALERT: Four informational sessions will be held Monday March 10 through Thursday March 13, all at 1:00 PM. Go to the main bill page or find each meeting under Scheduled Events to get the links to watch any or all of the hearings. 

HB 3182 and HB 3183 - Student Basic Needs and Workforce Stabilization Act    COIN ENDORSES these bills.

These bills together make up the Student Basic Needs and Workforce Stabilization Act. Here is more information

HB 3182 (1) creates a task force to study student housing, (2) appropriates $6.5 million to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) to award grants to organizations that provide low income college students with housing, and (3) appropriates $10 million for basic needs programming which means providing students with assistance in meeting needs such as food, housing, transportation, textbooks, and related needs. Here is the COIN worksheet for HB 3182.

HB 3183  appropriates $4.5 million to the Higher Education  Coordinating Commission (HECC)  for the Open Educational Resources Program (OERP). OERP leverages resources to save students money such as for textbooks and other school materials. OERP has been an invaluable resource in reducing costs for students. 

A public hearing for both HB 3182 and HB 3183 was held Feb. 27 before the House Committee On Higher Education and Workforce Development.  Watch the hearing here.  

ACTION ALERT: Both bills are scheduled for a work session Thursday Mar 13 at 8:00AM. View the session here.

HB 2550 - Expansion of Oregon Promise Program / Free Community College Tuition  COIN ENDORSES this bill.

The Oregon Promise Program funds free community college for some students. This bill changes the requirements to qualify for the Oregon Promise program by removing the requirements: (1) that a person must receive the person's highest level of education six months prior to enrolling in a community college, (2) that a person must complete high school in this state, (3) that a person must have earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better in high school and specifying that a person may qualify  (1) if they obtained a high school diploma or GED while incarcerated and (2) by enrolling in a program to earn an applied baccalaureate degree or a Bachelor of Science: Nursing degree. However, the current bill does not add additional funding to the program, and we believe adequate funding must accompany this bill in order for it to fulfill its basic objective. 

A hearing on this bill was held on 2/4 by the House Committee on Education and Workforce Development. Read testimony submitted. Watch the hearing here.

HB 3435 - Free School Lunch and Breakfast for all Oregon School Children     COIN ENDORSES this bill.

While most schools in Oregon have opted to serve free meals, there remain some that need help to do so. School meals at no cost is a program that is widely supported by parents, teachers, and other professionals; these no cost meal programs have resulted in improved academic and social outcomes, attendance and health outcomes while reducing food insecurity and behavioral discipline rates. Universal meal programs remove the stigma of school meals and often result in more meals being served. When compared to the free and reduced price meal model, school meals at no cost reduce administrative costs and overhead and result in investing in higher quality ingredients, preparation and service. Meals that meet higher nutritional standards were estimated to save up to $792 million in health care related costs over 10 years. See more info at School Meals for All Coalition.

The bill has some bipartisan support. But these programs, the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program are part of the federal Dept. of Agriculture and some funding is obtained from the federal Dept. of Education. The existence and support of these meal programs depends, at least in part, on any cuts that are pending at the federal level. 

There is already in the Reconciliation Bill before Congress a plan to cut the Community Eligibility Provision which funds these programs.  The Community Eligibility Provision allows the nation’s highest-poverty schools and districts to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household applications. Instead, schools that adopt CEP are reimbursed using a formula based on participation in other specific means-tested programs, such as SNAP and TANF. Currently, schools can qualify if 40 percent of students receive these programs. The proposed budget cut would lift that to 60 percent. Congress is also looking at a provision to require students to submit income verification. All of this means that 285,000 Oregon students already receiving school meals would be cut from the program. This would make it much harder for Oregon to fund school meals for all.

Currently in the House Education Committee.

A public hearing for HB 3435 was held on 2/24. Watch the session here


SB 1098 - Freedom to Read COIN ENDORSES this bill.

This bill is aptly named: Freedom to Read.  It is written to protect Oregon public school libraries from the assault on books as seen in other parts of this country where the freedom to read certain subjects and authors has been banned.  Senate Bill 1098 prohibits discrimination when selecting or retaining school library materials, textbooks or instructional materials or when developing and implementing a curriculum based on a topic or author protected by Oregon discrimination law.  The bill sets forth requirements for removal of covered materials and directs technical assistance for school library programs.  It will become effective upon passage. There is a coalition supporting Freedom to Read (SB1098) composed of the ACLU Oregon, Basic Rights Oregon, Oregon Education Association, and Oregon Library Association.

A public hearing was held Monday March 3 in the Senate Committee On Education. Watch the hearing here.  

ACTION ALERT: A work session has been scheduled for 8:00 AM on Monday March 10. You can watch the session here

Topic:  Campaign Finance / Election Reform / Government Ethics

HB 3166 - Open Primaries with Top 5 Advancing     

COIN is WATCHING this bill as it goes through revision.

Requires all candidates, regardless of political party affiliation or non-affiliation, and including those running for nonpartisan positions, to appear on the same unified primary election ballot; the five candidates receiving the most votes would  advance to the general election ballot. Exempts candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. 

COIN has partnered with the Oregon Election Reform Coalition (OERC) on previous legislation. OERC seeks to avoid another round of "Top 2 with Party Label Hijacking" ballot measures and believes this is a reasonable bill that will allow nonaffiliated voters to vote for candidates in the primary election, while maintaining the integrity of party labels. More information is available at OERC.  Check out this one-pager for more info about HB3166.

Currently in House Committee On Rules.

SJR 30 / HJR 11  - Initiative Petitions Signature Distribution Requirements COIN OPPOSES these bills.

These bills both propose an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to require an increase in petition signatures for initiative laws from 6 to 8 percent of the total votes cast for all candidates for Governor at the last general election at which a Governor was elected for a full term, and the signatures must be divided equally among the Congressional districts of this state. 

Proposes to require an increase in petition signatures for initiative amendments to the Oregon Constitution from 8 to 10 percent of the total votes cast for all candidates for Governor at the last general election at which a Governor was elected divided for a full term, and the signatures must be divided equally among the Congressional districts of this state. 


HJR 3  More Initiative Petitions Signature Distribution Requirements  COIN OPPOSES this bill.

Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to require petitions for proposed initiative laws to be signed by qualified voters in each county in this state in numbers that equal six percent of the total votes cast in the county for all candidates for Governor at the preceding gubernatorial election. Requires petitions for proposed initiative amendments to the Oregon Constitution to be signed by qualified voters in each county in numbers that equal eight percent of the total votes cast in the county for all candidates for Governor at the preceding gubernatorial election. Prohibits persons who are not qualified voters from making contributions in connection with initiatives or to influence elections on initiatives to the extent limitations on contributions are permitted under the Constitution of the United States. 

SJR 30 has been assigned to the Senate Rules Committee.
HJR 11 and HJR 3  are assigned to the House Rules Committee.

COIN opposed these bills because they will make the Citizen Initiative process even more difficult and expensive than it currently is. 

DOUBLE ACTION ALERT: HJR 11 AND HJR 3 have public hearings Monday Mar 10 at 8:00AM. Both are attempts to dilute voter influence. 

HJR 11: Please register here to give testimony or to submit written testimony in opposition of HJR 11. Watch the proceedings here.

Get talking points from Dan Meek's testimony opposing SJR 11.

HJR 3: Please register here to give testimony or to submit written testimony in opposition of HJR 3. 

Watch the proceedings here.

Get talking points from Dan Meek's testimony opposing SJR 3

HB 2923  - Public Financial Disclosure     COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Would add to the list of financial interests that public officials and members of their household must disclose in their annual statements of economic interest: In addition to disclosing positions of officer or director, public officials and the members of their household must disclose any positions they hold as a manager, member or partner. Oregon’s financial disclosure laws are very weak.  This would make them slightly stronger.

Currently in the House Rules Committee

A public hearing for HB 2923 was held on 1/27. Watch the recorded hearing here

HB 2928 - Repeals Gift Limit for Public Officials    COIN OPPOSES this bill.

HB 2928 would repeal the Oregon law limiting anyone from offering more than $50 per calendar year in gifts to any public official or candidate or their relatives or members of their household. This would leave Oregon with no limit on the offering of gifts to public officials. We have enough dark money and corrupting influences in our politics without repealing this!

Currently in the House Rules Committee

A public hearing for HB 2928 was held on 1/27. Read COIN members Dan Meek's opposition to this bill. Watch the recorded hearing here.

HB 2930 - Modifies Conflict of Interest Requirements     COIN ENDORSES this bill.

HB 2930 adds a “member of the household” to the persons for whom a public official must consider in deciding whether to declare an actual or potential conflict of interest laws.  Currently those persons include only the public official and “relatives.” 

Currently in the House Rules Committee

A public hearing for HB 2930 was held on 1/27. Watch the recorded hearing here.

SB 210 - Repeals Vote by Mail as the normal method of voting    COIN OPPOSES this bill.

Makes voting in person on the day of the election the normal method for voting. Requires voters to show government issued photo ID to vote. Mail in ballots would still be available on request and upon presenting a government issued photo ID; the ballot must be able to be returned 21 days before the election. This would not apply to military or other overseas voters or absentee voters. If passed, this measure would be referred to voters at the next general election.   

This is an example of several bills introduced to make voting harder for people. This is contrary to the highly successful mail in balloting system Oregon has used for years.  

Currently in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 392 - Moves Presidential Primary COIN OPPOSES this bill.

SB 392 would change the May primary date to the first Tuesday in March in Presidential election years only. That means that the deadline for filing to run in that primary would likely have to mid December of the previous year. Oregon's state/local office primary is already the 10th earliest in the United States. Candidates would need to decide nearly a year before the election if they want to run for office. Good for professional politicians but could be discouraging to other citizens who need more time to prepare and decide to run for office.   

Currently in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 403 - Requires Ballots Arrive by Election Day    COIN OPPOSES this bill.

SB 403 disqualifies all ballots not actually received by a county clerk by 8 pm of election day. Whether your vote is counted or not depends on the reliability of the US Post Office in each voter's area.

This is another example of several bills introduced to make voting harder for people.

Currently in the Senate Rules Committee.

SB 580 - Posting of Candidates Within 2 Days    COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Requires the election officer to post within 2 business days on the website any filed nominating petition, declaration of candidacy, or withdrawal of candidacy.  Other persons potentially interested in running for office should be able to know the status of other potential candidates during the candidacy filing season.

Currently in the Senate Rules Committee.

HB 2870 - Establishes the Campaign Review Commission     COIN is WATCHING this bill.

Several concerns would need to be addressed before COIN moves this bill off of the watch list. Violations would have to meet the current legal standard for libel, which would mean very few complaints would be heard. The commission would be highly partisan with only Republican and Democratic members. The bill gives no instruction to the Governor to guide member selection. Coin also has issues with the penalties that would apply to campaigns found to be in violation of this legislation.

HB 2870 establishes the Oregon Campaign Review Commission in the Secretary of State's office. It would be made up of 8 members appointed by the Gov, and 4 would be members “from each of the 2 major political parties”. There are no real qualifications other than an appointee must be an Oregon resident and “well informed on the principles of fair and truthful elections”. This commission would basically have the powers to investigate and decide complaints by a candidate or political committee that another candidate or political committee has violated ORS 260.532 That law already provides a cause of action and strong remedies against anyone who makes false statements about a candidate, political committee, or a ballot measure. 

Under this bill upon a finding of violation of ORS 260.532, the commission would issue a statement about the incident and their findings. The second offense would mean in addition banishment of the candidate from the Voters’ Pamphlet for one or more elections; a third offense would mean a permanent ban from the voters pamphlet. Decisions can be “appealed” to the Secretary of State.

Currently in the House Rules Committee. Rep. Evans is the only sponsor.

HB 3473 - Repeals automatic voter registration   COIN OPPOSES this bill.

This bill was offered by GOP Rep. Christine Drazan to make it harder for people to register to vote in Oregon. Oregon has long had a successful automatic voter registration system that has resulted in record turnouts of voters with more diversity among voters. This means better representation for all Oregonians. There is no reason to repeal automatic voter registration. 

The bill is currently in the House Committee on Rules.

HB 3470 - Requires Secretary of State to confirm U.S. citizenship for automatic voter registrations.
COIN OPPOSES this bill.

This bill was offered by GOP Rep. Christine Drazan to undermine Oregon's long established automatic voter registration system and make it harder for people to register to vote in Oregon. 

Oregon Republicans are pouncing on reports that last year some automatic voter registrations slipped through for folks who weren’t citizens. Few of these folks actually voted and they certainly didn’t influence any election.  

People can be registered automatically when they go to the DMV or OHA but must already submit proof of citizenship to be registered. This bill would pointlessly delay voter registrations for every potential voter; some may not be approved in time to vote. It would add an enormous cost and workload to the Secretary of State’s office. It makes more sense for the Secretary of State, as he has already said he would do, to work with agencies and election clerks to minimize errors going forward. 

This is another example of several bills introduced to make voting harder for people.

Currently in the House Committee on Rules.

ACTION ALERT: HB 3470 has a public hearing Wednesday Mar 12 at 8:00AM. Please register here to give testimony or to submit written testimony in opposition to this attempt to disenfranchise voters. Watch the proceedings here.

Topic:  Immigration and Social Justice

HB 3551 - Requires Local Law Enforcement to Assist ICE (Undermining Sanctuary Laws) COIN OPPOSES this bill.

Tells public bodies and bodies that enforce state laws to help enforce the nation's immigration laws. Applies only to persons who are convicted of certain crimes. 

This is a Republican-led effort to weaponize and undermine Oregon’s status as a  sanctuary state. The bill would require state and local law enforcement including campus police to enforce immigration laws and cooperate in the enforcement of such laws against persons convicted of a violent felony, Class A misdemeanor, or felony sexual offense. 

Currently in the House Committee On Judiciary.

SB 11 - Citizenship Status Question During Arrest COIN OPPOSES this bill.

Directs an arresting officer to inquire about citizenship when the officer arrests a person for a crime and the person is in possession of a firearm, which would potentially violate the Oregon Sanctuary Act. We see this as an attempt to chip away at Oregon's sanctuary law by forcing police officers to cooperate with ICE, rather than any effort to hold criminals accountable. The arrest can still take place without this question being asked.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee

Anti-Transgender Bills Limiting Participation in Sports  COIN OPPOSES all of these bills.

Oregon Republicans have introduced four bills to restrict transgender youth participation in sports. HB 3740, SB 618, and SB 787 would reverse the current Oregon School Athletics Association policies of allowing those that do identify as transgender or non-binary or intersex individuals to compete in athletic competitions or extracurricular sports based on the gender they align with. HB 2037 would do the same and would include college sports as well.  All the bills designate that participation in sports be based on “biological sex.”  These bills are part of an attempt by Trump and his MAGA allies to “erase” any person that identifies as a gender other than “biological male” or “biological female.”  These bills demonstrate the ignorance and/or profound intolerance of many people who claim that “male” and “female” are the only two possibilities in humans. In fact, biological sex has many variations as a result of chromosome differences, gene differences, and physiological differences. As many as 2% of the population have biological variations that don’t fit the narrow definition of “male” or “female.” These variations are sometimes referred to as “intersex.” Here is one resource that describes 48 such variations: Interact – Intersex Variations Glossary.  Additionally, gender identity, one’s innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither, is simply not the business of the State. Transgender youth already suffer so much stigma, fear of rejection and even abuse; these bills represent further attacks on some of our most vulnerable young people. 

HB 2037 and HB 3740 are currently in the House Committee On Education.  SB 618 and SB 787 are currently in the Senate Committee On Education. Hopefully, that's where they'll sit for the entire session. We hope Democrats will have the decency not to give them any hearings. 

HB 3198 - OHA to Lead Murdered & Missing Indigenous Persons Efforts   COIN has ENDORSED this bill.  

This bill is listed and explained under the Healthcare topic above. 

SB 722 / SB 599   Tenant Protections  COIN ENDORSES these bills.

These bills are listed and explained under the Homelessness and Affordable Housing topic above. 

Topic: Criminal Justice

SB 1007 - Compensation for the Wrongly Convicted     COIN ENDORSES this bill.

COIN endorsed the bill that passed in 2022 providing a process for those wrongly convicted to apply for compensation. ODOJ attorneys are slowing the process with unnecessary obstacles. Legislators are trying to clear some of those obstacles with this bill.

This bill will reform the process for compensating exonerees and guarantee that more of those wrongly convicted and imprisoned are compensated in a timely manner:

SB 1007 Worksheet 

Oregon AG Agrees, compensation is moving too slowly Portland Tribune 2/27/25 article

This bill is currently in the Senate Committee On Judiciary 

This bill had a hearing Thursday 2/27. Watch the hearing here

ACTION ALERT! A work session has been rescheduled for 3:00 pm Tuesday Mar 11. View the session here.

HB 3785   Voting By Adults in Custody  COIN endorses this bill and endorsed similar bills in 2021 and 2023.  

This bill allows persons convicted of crime to register to vote, update voter registration, and vote in elections while incarcerated. Many people incarcerated in Oregon are currently denied their right to vote, leading to low-income, Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people being disproportionately disenfranchised. Veterans who are convicted of felonies currently cannot vote while incarcerated. 

95% of those incarcerated will return to their community and research shows that those allowed to vote while incarcerated are less likely to re-offend. 

Currently in the House Rules Committee.

HB 3551 - Requires Local Law Enforcement to Assist ICE (Undermining Sanctuary Laws)

COIN OPPOSES this bill.  

This bill is also listed under the Immigration and Social Justice category, above.

Topic: Hunger

SB 611 - Food for All Oregonians         COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Establishes the Food for All Oregonians Program in the Department of Human Services to provide food for persons under 26 years and over 55 years who would be eligible for SNAP benefits but for their immigration status. SB 611 is currently in the Senate Committee on Human Services.

COIN is a member of the Food for All Oregonians coalition. For more info, go here

ACTION ALERT! Please join Food for All Oregonians' Lobby Day on March 18 in support of SB611!  Register here

ACTION ALERT! There will be a public hearing Tuesday Mar 25 at 8:00am. Register to testify or to submit written testimony here. Watch the hearing here

HB 3435  Free School Lunch and Breakfast for all Oregon School Children     COIN ENDORSES this bill. 

This bill is listed and described under the Education and Children topic above.

Topic: Protecting Democracy

 SB 686  Protect Local Journalism     COIN is WATCHING this bill.

SB 686 safeguards Oregon’s local journalism by requiring online big tech platforms like Google and Facebook pay their fair share for profiting off Oregon-based content.  The bill creates a reasonable compliance system for big tech platforms to provide fair compensation to news creators, and creates the Oregon Civic Information Consortium, a non-profit fund supporting local journalism.

Currently in the Senate Committee On Rules

Topic: Gun Safety


Join with Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action for Advocacy Day in Salem on March 4

RSVP for the Advocacy Day in Salem on March 4!

Alliance for a Safe Oregon Legislation Priorities See this list of gun safety bills supported by a coalition of groups deeply concerned about the continued need for better gun regulations.

SB 203 - Extreme Risk Protection Order Improvements COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Requires the Judicial Department to study the number of extreme risk protection petitions filed and orders issued each year. This bill will improve our Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) law and strengthen protective orders. Alliance for Safe Oregon and Everytown/Moms Demand Action supports this legislation.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee

SB 429 - Background Check Requirements  COIN ENDORSES this bill.

The Act requires gun dealers to wait 72 hours from the time of asking for a background check, and to have the approval number from the check, before giving a firearm or certain unfinished firearm parts to a buyer. Oregon has high gun suicide rate. A 72 hour waiting period has been shown to reduce suicides by 20%.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee

This legislation is supported by Alliance for a Safe Oregon.

SB 696  - Rapid Fire Activator Ban   COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Creates the crime of unlawful transport, manufacture or transfer of a rapid fire activator. Devices like bump stocks and Glock switches increase the firing rate of semiautomatic guns enabling them to function like machine guns.

 17 states have enacted laws to ban these devices, often with bipartisan support

In the Senate Judiciary Committee

Alliance for Safe Oregon and Everytown/Moms Demand Action supports this legislation.

SB 697 - Must be 21 to Possess a Rifle COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Prohibits a person under 21 years of age from possessing firearms with specified exceptions. Raises the age to purchase semi-automatic rifles and long guns to age 21. 

In the Senate Judiciary Committee

Alliance for Safe Oregon and Everytown/Moms Demand Action supports this legislation.

SB 698 - Public Buildings Gun Bans COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Authorizes the governing bodies of certain public entities that own or control public buildings to adopt a policy, ordinance or regulation limiting the affirmative defense for concealed handgun licensees for the crime of possessing a firearm in a public building. Allows ban on concealed carry firearms in public buildings, like the Zoo and city halls.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee

Alliance for Safe Oregon and Everytown/Moms Demand Action supports this legislation.

SJR 27 - Right to Carry Ballot Measure Proposal    COIN OPPOSES this bill.

Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution establishing a right to carry concealed firearms. Refers the proposed amendment to the people for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election. 

In the Senate Rules Committee

HB 2396 / HB 2780 - Guaranteed Permit to Purchase  COIN OPPOSES these bills.

Provides that a person is automatically qualified to obtain a permit to purchase a firearm if the person holds a valid concealed handgun license.  A person with a concealed carry permit would not have to go through the new background check process.     

In the House Judiciary Committee                         

HB 3075 - Ballot Measure 114 Revision COIN is WATCHING this bill.

Modifies the firearm permit provisions of Ballot Measure 114 (2022). The bill describes more precisely the background application process, modified fees, adds to the those qualified as training course instructors and protects them from civil liability in certain circumstances, and makes it a crime for a dealer to provide a firearm to someone without a valid permit to purchase.         In the House Judiciary Committee

HB 3076 - Gun Dealer Licensing Study COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Directs the Department of Justice to study the establishment of a state gun dealer licensing program, and to provide the results of the study to the appropriate interim committees of the Legislative Assembly no later than December 31, 2026. 

In the House Judiciary Committee

Hopefully, this study will result in a future bill to stop the illegal flow of guns into our communities by licensing and inspecting gun dealers.

From the Oregon Capital Chronicle: legislative-bill-would-stem-overflow-of-illegal-guns-violent-crime

Alliance for Safe Oregon and Everytown/Moms Demand Action supports this legislation.

HB 5014 - Community Violence Intervention Funding    COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Appropriates moneys from the General Fund to the Department of Justice for biennial expenses, including funding to support the Community Violence Intervention Program. 

In the Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Public Safety.

Alliance for Safe Oregon and Everytown/Moms Demand Action supports this legislation.

HB 3074, SB 243, and HB 2606 are "study" bills that may be placeholders for additional gun related legislation and will be monitored.

Topic: State Finance and Revenue

HB 2966  - State Finance Task Force   COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Establishes a task force composed of diverse interests and directs it to study different methods of public financing including the feasibility of a state bank.  The potential benefits of these methods are incalculable. We can dramatically boost the abilities of local credit unions and community banks to offer loans and stimulate economic activity. We can partner with them for participatory home ownership loans at lower costs than are charged by Wall Street banks, we can be responsible stewards of public dollars by facilitating development of local governments’ large infrastructure needs for less costs than are imposed by large banks, and so very much more.

HB 2699 is the first step to bringing any of these benefits home. There are complex financial issues

involved and it is only with the significant expertise assembled by the task force that we will be able to solve them and get this right.

Topic History: COIN endorsed the 2023 bill that would have studied the establishment of a Public Bank in coalition with the Oregon Public Banking Alliance.

Currently in the House Committee On Commerce and Consumer Protection

A public hearing for HB 2966 was held on 1/28. Catherine Thomasson of MCAT and the COIN CEE Team presented testimony in support of this bill. Dan Meek of COIN and the Oregon Progressive Party also offered testimony in support. Watch the recording here

MOVEMENT ALERT!  The committee voted 6-4 to move this bill on to Ways and Means with a "DO PASS" recommendation. You can watch the Mar 6 work session here. Will head to Ways and Means.

HB 2084 - Tax Compliance for Public Contracts      COIN ENDORSES this bill.

Requires that people who get public contracts obey the tax laws of the state, cities and counties and must show proof of compliance with the tax laws. Requires public contractors to demonstrate and maintain tax compliance as a condition of the execution of a public contract. Currently, anyone signing a contract with the State for more than $1000 must sign a form stating that they comply with all of Oregon’s tax laws. However, this form provides no definition of tax compliance or what the consequences are for not telling the truth on the form. The jail terms and/or fines were set in 1971 and are ill-defined. Several recent investigative reports have found people not in compliance while doing millions of dollars of business with the State of Oregon.

Currently in the House Revenue Committee

A public hearing for HB 2930 was held on 1/23. Watch the recorded hearing here.

Topic: Economics

SB 916-4 / HB 3434   Unemployment Eligibility During Labor Disputes      COIN ENDORSES these bills.

These bills are Senate and House version, both of which provides that an individual otherwise eligible for unemployment insurance benefits is not disqualified for any week that the individual's unemployment is due to a labor dispute in active progress at the individual's place of employment. 

The bills gives leverage to workers compelled to go on strike to resolve labor disputes. Many such workers don’t have the means to strike for any length of time without jeopardizing their housing, food security, etc. Employers are aware of this fact and hold out on offering meaningful concessions that would materially improve their employees’ lives. This bill would ensure a steady source of income while they strike. Also, some non-union employees lose income as a byproduct of the strike and may deserve unemployment insurance benefits during the strike.

Currently in the Senate Committee on Labor and Business and House Committee On Labor and Workplace Standards

A public hearing for SB 916 was held 2/6. The recording can be found here.  

A 2nd public hearing was held 2/11. Watch the recorded session here.  

An informational session for SB 916 was held Tuesday 2/18. Watch the session here.  

A second informational session for SB 916 was held on 2/27. Watch it here.

A 3rd public hearing was held on 3/4. Watch the 3/4 committee meeting here

MOVEMENT ALERT! On Thursday Mar 6 the committee amended the bill and voted 3-2 to move SB 916-4 on with a "DO PASS" recommendation. Watch the session here

HB 3255  Requirements for Online Businesses    COIN ENDORSES this bill. 

HB 3255 will prohibit online businesses from operating in Oregon unless they maintain a permanent telephone number and electronic mail address that allows customers to contact the online business with concerns and receive a timely and substantive response.  It permits the Secretary of State to test compliance with the Act and to impose civil penalties for a failure to comply or to administratively dissolve an online business or revoke the online business’s authority to transact business in this state if the Secretary of State determines that the failure to comply is intentional, willful and repeated. This is an important consumer protection bill because many online businesses make it nearly impossible to get appropriate service by not providing such contact information to consumers. 

The bill is currently in the House Committee On Commerce and Consumer Protection.

This bill had a public hearing on March 6. You can watch the proceedings here

Topic: Miscellaneous  

Two bills to end the twice yearly time change. COIN takes NO POSITION on these bills. 

We list them here for your information as we find many Oregonians have strong but varied opinions about this issue. We want you to be aware of upcoming opportunities to have your voice heard.  Both bills are currently in the Senate Committee On Veterans, Emergency Management, Federal and World Affairs.

SB 566 - Ends Daylight Savings Time   

For the part of the state located in the Pacific Time Zone, this bill would abolish the annual one-hour change in time from standard time to daylight saving time and maintains the Pacific Time Zone portion of Oregon on standard time for all 12 months of the calendar year, if California and Washington make the same change within the next 10 years.

Public testimony was given 3/4. You can read the written testimony submitted here and watch the recorded hearing here.  

ACTION ALERT!  If you want to support or oppose this bill, we recommend you email your state senator and state representative or email committee members to share your opinion. 

SB 1038 - Ends One-Hour Time Change in One of Two Alternative Ways

ALTERNATIVE ONE is identical to SB 566 described above, allowing for PERMANENT PACIFIC STANDARD TIME in the part of Oregon in the Pacific Time Zone. 

ALTERNATIVE TWO allows for PERMANENT PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME for the part of the state located in the Pacific Time Zone, abolishing the twice yearly one-hour change,  IF Congress enacts a law authorizing states to elect year-round daylight saving time AND IF California and Washington establish daylight saving time as the standard of time year-round. Restores current time standards if Congress fails to authorize daylight saving time or if California and Washington do not make daylight saving time their year-round standard of time within 10 years. 

Both alternatives provide that standards of time in the Mountain Time Zone portion of Oregon remain unchanged. 

Public testimony was given 3/4. You can read the written testimony submitted here and watch the recorded hearing here.  

ACTION ALERT! There will be a work session for SB 1038 on Thursday March 13 at 1:00 PM. It's possible the committee will vote on this bill at that time. You can watch the work session here

If you want to support or oppose this bill, we recommend you email your state senator and state representative or email committee members to share your opinion.